Friday, November 27, 2009

article in local paper

I was pretty pleased with the article written about me for the local paper. It was complimentary to both myself and my books. The reporter read one of the books and gave a favorable review. I'm hoping that people in our community who read the paper will stop by the store where I'm selling the books and have a closer look. Of course, I'm hoping some will buy the books and begin reading them.

As I reflect on having a write-up about myself in the local paper, I realize that it is important to maintain a good Christian witness. When I do my banking, fill up my car with gas, pick up prescriptions or go to the grocery store, there may be people who recognize my name and face from the newspaper article. I hope to be a good representative of Christ, so that they won't feel that my books are a fraud.

And that holds true within my home as well. If I am writing about faith, hope, and love, I need to live out those values in my everyday life.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

You Never Know What Someone is Thinking

Well, the article about me did not appear in last week's paper, or in this week's. I was disappointed, and more than a little embarrassed, since I told people I was going to be in the paper. I wondered why it didn't get in print. The only conclusion I could come up with was that the reporter was not impressed enough with me, or with my books. She purchased one of the books the day she did the interview. I thought, "She must not have liked it, and maybe she will tell people that she didn't care for my book."

I still don't know what she thinks about me or my books, but I have a little clue. Yesterday, I went into the store that sells my books. The owner remarked that the reporter was in the store earlier in the week. She related that the reporter did not know why the article didn't make the newspaper. And the store owner also said the reporter bought three more of my books.

Since the reporter purchased more books, I felt reasonably sure that she liked the first one she bought. I feel confident that if the article does appear in the paper, it will put my books, and me, in a favorable light. I hope I've also learned a lesson in humility. "Pride goeth before a fall," certainly rings true!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

for such a time as this

Do you ever wonder why God puts you in the place in your life where you are in?

I've always believed God had a purpose for my life. That He would open the doors where He wanted me to enter, and close the doors that were not His will. When I went away to college, it was because God opened the right doors for me to go. It was while I was in college that I went to Mexico, and studied Spanish. In 1986, my aunt found a little tiny ad in the Press for a bilingual receptionist. I went in for an interview and the lawyer hired me. That led to a career as a legal secretary.

I quit a job I loved to be a stay at home mom. I don't regret those years with my kids. I had the opportunity to nurture them and be involved in their school functions. When they were were a little older, I stepped out into the working world again on what became a long and difficult road. I struggled to find the perfect job. I tried secretarial work, since that was what I knew. I battled issues with day care, sick children, and my own health. I gave up several times, and there were periods in my life where I didn't work outside the home.

During those years, I wrote and wrote. I finished several novels, and tried to get them published. One series I really believed in was my historical series, the Legacy of Courage. I had sent it in to a publisher, and was awaiting a response. Finances were tight. We needed a breakthrough in our lives. I put out the fleece. If I don't get a "yes" response from a publisher by April 1st, I was going to get a job.

On March 31, I happened to be in the grocery store and saw a help wanted ad. The store was pleasant and close to home, so I put in my application. I got a call a couple of days later, and the deli and bakery manager hired me. I started work on April 4. Instead of becoming a published author, I was now an employee in the deli.

And do you know what? I liked the job. It was a good fit for me. And I liked the people I worked with. I am still there, two and a half years later. The job is full-time now. I cook and bake, and wait on customers, and it's a satisfying position. The money helps with our family finances. I still have health issues that I struggle with, but my boss has been understanding. The kids are older now and I don't have problems with day care. It's close to home, so I'm able to make it there even when the weather is bad (well, most of the time, but that is a story best left for another day.)

Sometimes God puts us in a place where we least expect it. Doors we want to open, close in our faces, and other doors open that take us out of our comfort zone. With faith, we take God's hand and walk through the door that He opens for us, into the place where He wants us to be. And we find joy and unexpected blessings.