Saturday, November 14, 2009

You Never Know What Someone is Thinking

Well, the article about me did not appear in last week's paper, or in this week's. I was disappointed, and more than a little embarrassed, since I told people I was going to be in the paper. I wondered why it didn't get in print. The only conclusion I could come up with was that the reporter was not impressed enough with me, or with my books. She purchased one of the books the day she did the interview. I thought, "She must not have liked it, and maybe she will tell people that she didn't care for my book."

I still don't know what she thinks about me or my books, but I have a little clue. Yesterday, I went into the store that sells my books. The owner remarked that the reporter was in the store earlier in the week. She related that the reporter did not know why the article didn't make the newspaper. And the store owner also said the reporter bought three more of my books.

Since the reporter purchased more books, I felt reasonably sure that she liked the first one she bought. I feel confident that if the article does appear in the paper, it will put my books, and me, in a favorable light. I hope I've also learned a lesson in humility. "Pride goeth before a fall," certainly rings true!

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